Name | Registered | Agency ID | Acronym Primary | Registration Start | Registration Valid To | Registration Note | Register Entry | DEQAr Reports Link | Activities Institutional | Activities Programme | Activities Mixed | Activities Joint Programmes | Countries Official EQA Activities | Countries Voluntary EQA Activities | Name Versions | Name Historical | Address | Website | Website Reports | Description Note | Specialisation Note |
Name | Registered | Agency ID | Acronym Primary | Registration Start | Registration Valid To | Registration Note | Register Entry | DEQAr Reports Link | Activities Institutional | Activities Programme | Activities Mixed | Activities Joint Programmes | Countries Official EQA Activities | Countries Voluntary EQA Activities | Name Versions | Name Historical | Address | Website | Website Reports | Description Note | Specialisation Note |
Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education | Registered | 1 | A3ES | 2014-06-01 | 2029-04-30 | | | Audit of internal quality assurance systems. |
Assessment/accreditation of study programmes in operation. |
Joint programme accreditation |
PRT Portugal | Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES) | Praça de Alvalade, 6 - 5.° Frente | | | A3ES is a private law foundation, established for an indeterminate period of time, with legal status and recognised as being of public utility. A3ES is responsible for the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes, and to promote the integration of Portugal in the European system of quality assurance of higher education. |
Swiss Agency of Accreditation and Quality Assurance | Registered | 3 | AAQ | 2011-09-01 | 2026-04-30 | | | Certification procedures in Austria (institutional Q-audit) |
Evaluations in Switzerland |
CHE Switzerland, DEU Germany, LIE Liechtenstein, AUT Austria | Agence suisse d’accréditation et d’assurance qualité (AAQ), Agenzia svizzera di accreditamento e di garanzia della qualità (AAQ), Schweizerische Agentur für Akkreditierung und Qualitätssicherung (AAQ) | until 2014-12-31: Swiss Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (OAQ), Organ für Akkreditierung und Qualitätssicherung (OAQ) | Effingerstrasse 15 | | | Founded in 2001, the OAQ has been renamed Agency for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AAQ), as a consequence of the entry into force of the Federal Act on Funding and Coordination of the Swiss Higher Education Sector (Higher Education Act, HEdA 414.20) on January 1st 2015. The AAQ safeguards and promotes the quality of teaching and research at higher education institutions in Switzerland. It is independent, uses internationally recognised methods and is able to draw upon the knowledge and experience of leading experts. The AAQ develops guidelines and quality standards, conducts accreditation and evaluation procedures, and works at an international level. It perceives its role as an external partner for quality assurance and development, and provides a range of supporting services. The AAQ acts under the authority of the Swiss Accreditation Council. |
The core business of the AAQ is institutional accreditation of HEIs. |
Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia | Registered | 2 | ACCUA | 2009-01-01 | 2029-09-30 | | | Institutional accreditation |
Ex-ante verification of study programmes |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
ESP Spain | ITA Italy, SVK Slovakia, AUT Austria, FIN Finland, FRA France | Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia (ACCUA) | until 2011-12-31: Agencia Andaluza de Evaluación (AGAE), Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Research of Andalucía (AAC-DEVA) | Calle Doña Berenguela s/n | | | ACCUA has become (as of 1 March 2023) the legal successor of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge, Directorate for Evaluation and Accreditation (AAC-DEVA). |
The aim of ACCUA is the assessment, accreditation and certification of quality within the terms of reference of the Universities and higher education institutions in Andalusia. It covers the fields of institutional quality assessment, teaching staff accreditation and research evaluation. |
The Canarian Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation | Registered | 73 | ACCUEE | 2022-10-01 | 2027-10-31 | | | Validation for the authorisation of university institutions |
Programme validation for the authorisation of new programmes |
ESP Spain | The Canarian Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ACCUEE) | Avenida Buenos Aires, nº 5 Edificio Servicios múltiples III, 3ª planta 38071 Santa Cruz de Tenerife | | ACCUEE (Canarian Agency for University Quality and Educational Evaluation) was created as ACECAU (Canary Islands Agency for the Evaluation of University Quality and Accreditation) by Law 2/2002 of March 27, on the establishment of tax rules and measures for Administrative Organization and Management. In 2012, by Law 4/2012, of June 25, on Administrative and Fiscal Measures, the agency was renamed as ACCUEE and assumed new functions for Non-University Evaluation and Educational Quality. ACCUEE is responsible for ensuring the quality of teaching in universities located in the Canary Islands. ACCUEE is publicly owned and its basic administrative activity is governed by the laws that regulate the legal regime of public administrations and common administrative procedures. ACCUEE functions within the legal framework of the Regional Department of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports. |
Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education | Registered | 4 | ACPUA | 2016-08-01 | 2026-06-30 | | | Partner higher education evaluation |
Study programme follow-up |
ALCAEUS programme |
Joint programmes review |
ESP Spain, AND Andorra | Agencia de Calidad y Prospectiva Universitaria de Aragón (ACPUA) | Avda. de Ranillas nº 5 D, 1ª Planta | | | Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA) is the official agency for the evaluation and quality assurance of higher education in the region of Aragon (Spain). It was set up in 2005 by Law of the regional Parliament. Its an autonomous body (public law entity), with own legal personality and its own assets and capacity to attain its goals. It performs its functions objectively, impartially and independently, recognised and guaranteed by law. |
Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute | Registered | 5 | ACQUIN | 2008-03-04 | 2026-06-30 | | | Institutional accreditation abroad |
Certification procedures in Germany and abroad |
Joint programme accrediation |
AUT Austria, BGR Bulgaria, DEU Germany, KAZ Kazakhstan, LIE Liechtenstein | Belgium (Flemish Community), TUR Türkiye, EGY Egypt, United Kingdom (England), CYP Cyprus, ARM Armenia, LUX Luxembourg, BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina, KGZ Kyrgyzstan, LBN Lebanon, GEO Georgia, GRC Greece, LTU Lithuania, PRT Portugal, MLT Malta, ESP Spain, SRB Serbia, ARE United Arab Emirates, CHN China, People's Republic of, VNM Vietnam, IDN Indonesia, MNG Mongolia, POL Poland, RUS Russia, CHE Switzerland, SYR Syria, TJK Tajikistan, TCA Turks and Caicos Islands, UKR Ukraine | Akkreditierungs-, Certifizierungs- und Qualitätssicherungsinstitut e.V. (ACQUIN) | Brandenburger Str. 2 | | | ACQUIN is a registered association whose members are higher education institutions, professional associations and business companies. Its core competence is the evaluation and accreditation of study programmes for different types of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Germany and abroad as well as evaluation and accreditation of quality management systems in HEIs (system accreditation). ACQUIN’s central concern is to promote and anchor quality culture in higher education. |
The Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León | Registered | 6 | ACSUCYL | 2009-12-01 | 2024-11-30 | ACSUCYL has applied for renewal of inclusion. Its registration remains fully valid pursuant to §4.5 of the EQAR Procedures for Applications, until a decision on renewal has been made. | | | Certification process for IQAS implementation. ELENCHOS Program |
Follow-up of official degrees |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
ESP Spain | PRT Portugal, DEU Germany, BRA Brazil, FIN Finland, ROU Romania | Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León (ACSUCYL) | Avda. del Real Valladolid s/n | | | ACSUCYL is the external accreditation body of the University System of Castilla y León. Its mission is to to ensure ongoing improvement in higher education and to provide information concerning the work it is conducting such that this may prove useful to all stakeholders. |
Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System | Registered | 7 | ACSUG | 2009-07-01 | 2029-10-31 | | | Teaching performance assessment programme (DOCENTIA) |
Evaluation of degrees and university centres outside Spain |
Accreditation of degrees and university centres outside Spain |
Joint programme accreditation |
ESP Spain | Axencia para Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ACSUG) | Cidade da Cultura de Galicia, Monte Gaiás, s/n | | | The Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System (ACSUG) is a public organisation that was set up in 2001 with the main mission to contribute to assuring and improving the quality of the Galician University System (SUG). |
Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur | Registered | 8 | AEQES | 2011-06-01 | 2027-04-30 | | | Institutional review |
Continuous programme evaluation |
Initial programme evaluation (joint programmes) |
Belgium (French Community), BEL Belgium | Belgium (German-speaking Community) | Avenue du Port 16 | | | Since 2008, AEQES is responsible for assessing the quality of all HE diploma (EQF 5), bachelor (EQF 6) and master programmes (EQF 7) of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF). Moreover, since 2019, AEQES is also responsible for the institutional evaluations of the HEIs that are recognised by the WBF government. Both evaluation formats follow a 6 year-cycle, including a mid-term progress record. The focus is on quality‐enhancement (AEQES Decree 2008: no accreditation, no impact on funding). AEQES implements regular collaboration with other agencies (Cti, MusiQuE). |
Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences | Registered | 9 | AHPGS | 2009-03-01 | 2029-04-30 | | | System accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rules |
Programme accreditation outside Germany |
Joint programme accreditation |
CHE Switzerland, LTU Lithuania, ROU Romania, DEU Germany, AUT Austria, CYP Cyprus | TUR Türkiye, AUS Australia, EGY Egypt, ETH Ethiopia, LBN Lebanon, OMN Oman, SAU Saudi Arabia, SVN Slovenia, ARE United Arab Emirates, CHN China, People's Republic of, HUN Hungary, IDN Indonesia, IRQ Iraq, AZE Azerbaijan, NLD Netherlands, POL Poland, UKR Ukraine | Akkreditierungsagentur im Bereich Gesundheit und Soziales (AHPGS) | Sedanstrasse 22 | | | The AHPGS promotes the quality and transparency of universities and their study programs through accreditation procedures in Germany and abroad. AHPGS is accredited by the German Accreditation Council. In 2016, the Swiss Accreditation Council authorised AHPGS to conduct procedures of programme accreditation and institutional accreditation in Switzerland according to Swiss law (“Higher Education Act, HEdA”). Since 2015, AHPGS has been entitled to carry out audits at universities and colleges in Austria in accordance with § 22 (2) of the Austrian Quality Assurance Act. |
The focus of AHPGS' work is the external quality assurance of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in the area of Health and Social Sciences. |
The Danish Accreditation Institution | Registered | 10 | AI | 2010-07-01 | 2026-06-30 | | | Accreditation of higher education institutions |
Accreditation of higher education programmes |
DNK Denmark | Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution (AI) | Tidemandsvej 1, Building 6 - 7 | | | The Danish Accreditation Institution is an independent agency founded by the Ministry of Higher Education. The primary assignment of the agency is to accredit HEIs as well as existing and new higher education programmes. Furthermore, the institution is producing summary reports describing and analysing the general findings of the accreditations as well as thematic reports on topical issues concerning higher education. |
Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Canonical Programmes of Studies in Germany | Registered | 65 | AKAST | 2021-08-01 | 2028-10-31 | | | Programme accreditation (AKAST quality seal) |
DEU Germany | Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung kanonischer Studiengänge in Deutschland e.V. (AKAST) | Auf der Schanz 49 | | | Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung kanonischer Studiengänge in Deutschland e.V. (AKAST – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Canonical Programmes of Studies in Germany) was established in 2008 by representatives of the Association of Faculties of Catholic Theology (KThF), the associations of theological disciplines (theologische Ar-beitsgemeinschaften) and ten theological faculties and schools of philosophy and theology. The purpose of the association is to carry out peer review process of canonical study programmes in accordance with the Interstate Treaty and accreditation procedures of canonical study programmes, which are not recorded by the Interstate Treaty and to grant the quality seal of AKAST to those programmes of studies which it has accredited. |
National Agency for the Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain | Registered | 12 | ANECA | 2012-11-01 | 2027-10-31 | ANECA was previously registered from 04/03/2008 to 30/06/2012. | | | Other national and international assessments |
International Quality label for remote and hybrid teaching-learning |
Joint programme accreditation |
ESP Spain | ANECA - Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) | c/ Orense 11 | | | The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, ANECA, is an autonomous body of public nature whose aim is to provide external quality assurance for the Spanish Higher Education System and to contribute to its constant improvement through evaluation, certification and accreditation. The activities performed by the Agency are related to the evaluation of programmes, academic staff and institutional‐level approach evaluation. |
ANECA works for the whole higher education sector. |
National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance | Registered | 13 | ANQA | 2017-02-01 | 2027-06-30 | | | Institutional Accreditation |
Programme Accreditation |
ARM Armenia | ՈԱԱԿ - Մասնագիտական կրթության որակի ապահովման ազգային կենտրոն" հիﬓադրամ (ANQA) | 22 Orbeli Str. | | | ANQA was established on November 7, 2008 under the Government Decree (No 1486). The main goal of ANQA is to support the tertiary level institutions to develop, disseminate and enhance a quality culture by complying with the legislation of Republic of Armenia. ANQA strives to promote public trust, social cohesion, equity, responsibility and competitiveness in Armenian society through systematic enhancement of tertiary level education provisions. |
Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes | Registered | 15 | AQAS | 2008-03-04 | 2027-01-31 | | | | System accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rules |
Programme accreditation international |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
DEU Germany, AUT Austria, KAZ Kazakhstan, MDA Moldova, TUR Türkiye | Belgium (Flemish Community), Belgium (French Community), EGY Egypt, ETH Ethiopia, United Kingdom (England), HRV Croatia, GRC Greece, ITA Italy, SVK Slovakia, LTU Lithuania, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, IRL Ireland, MWI Malawi, NOR Norway, OMN Oman, SVN Slovenia, ZAF South Africa, ESP Spain, SDN Sudan, ARE United Arab Emirates, CHL Chile, CUW Curaçao, VNM Vietnam, GHA Ghana, IDN Indonesia, KEN Kenya, DNK Denmark, EST Estonia, FIN Finland, FRA France, NLD Netherlands, NGA Nigeria, POL Poland, ROU Romania, TZA Tanzania, UGA Uganda | Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen e.V. (AQAS) | Hohenstaufenring 30-32 | | | AQAS e.V. ‐ established in 2002 ‐ is an agency for quality assurance in the higher education area. AQAS is accredited by the German Accreditation Council and authorised to award its seal to German study programmes and institutions. The agency carries out accreditation procedures for study programmes of all disciplines provided by higher education institutions and for quality assurance systems of higher education institutions. |
Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria | Registered | 14 | AQ Austria | 2014-05-01 | 2029-05-31 | | | Accreditation of universities of applied sciences |
Notification of foreign degree programmes in Austria |
Joint programme accreditation |
AUT Austria, DEU Germany, KAZ Kazakhstan, LIE Liechtenstein | United Kingdom (England), BGR Bulgaria, HRV Croatia, LUX Luxembourg, BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina, MKD North Macedonia, ALB Albania, SVK Slovakia, LTU Lithuania, CZE Czech Republic, SVN Slovenia, ESP Spain, HUN Hungary, XKX Kosovo, FRA France, NLD Netherlands, POL Poland | Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (AQ Austria) | Franz-Klein-Gasse 5 | | | AQ Austria is the national Quality Assurance Agency of Austria, founded in 2012 as a merger of three predecessor agencies. AQ Austria is independent and provides quality assurance service on a broad range with the aim to support the HE institutions to enhance the quality of their provision. The agency as such, its bodies and staff have an international profile. |
Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency | Registered | 16 | AQU | 2008-03-04 | 2027-06-30 | | | Ex-post IQAs certification |
Accreditation |
Institutional accreditation |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
ESP Spain | HRV Croatia, ITA Italy, SWE Sweden, IRL Ireland, NOR Norway, DEU Germany, HUN Hungary, KEN Kenya, FIN Finland, FRA France, NLD Netherlands | Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU) | Carrer d’Enric Granados 33 | | | The Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency, AQU Catalunya, is the main instrument for the promotion and assurance of quality in the Catalan higher education system. AQU Catalunya is entrusted with the assessment, accreditation and certification of quality in the universities and higher education institutions in Catalonia. |
Balearic Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education | Registered | 80 | AQUIB | 2024-09-01 | 2029-09-30 | | | Follow-up of study programmes |
ESP Spain | Agència de Qualitat Universitària de les Illes Balears (AQUIB) | ParcBit, Naorte Building A, ground floor, local 5 07121, Palma de Mallorca | | | AQUIB is the competent official body for assuring the quality of the higher education system of the Balearic Islands. Its main aim is to proactively strengthen the quality of the higher education and research system of its Autonomous Community through assessment, certification and accreditation in the field of teaching, research, management and knowledge transfer, acting in line with international quality standards. |
Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education | Registered | 17 | ARACIS | 2009-03-01 | 2028-09-30 | | | Institutional evaluation |
Study domain accreditation (third cycle) |
Joint programme evaluation |
ROU Romania, MDA Moldova | UKR Ukraine | Agentia Româna de Asigurare a Calitatii în Invatamântul Superior (ARACIS) | Bd. Mărăști no. 59, sector 1 | | | ARACIS’s mission is, according to the law, to asses the quality of the study programmes, study domains and higher education institutions (HEIs) as well as to contribute, together with the HEIs, to a continuous enhancement of quality. The agency is also aiming at contributing to the development of an institutional culture of higher education quality. |
Agency for Science and Higher Education | Registered | 18 | ASHE | 2011-08-01 | 2027-03-31 | | | Audit (of higher education institutions) |
Initial accreditation of programmes (all three cycles) |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
HRV Croatia | FRA France, UKR Ukraine | AZVO - Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (ASHE) | Donje Svetice 38/5 | | | ASHE was established by Croatian Government as an independent public body and the only institution tasked with external quality assurance procedures in higher education and research in the country. In addition to these, the Croatian ENIC‐NARIC office is part of ASHE; and other ASHE offices also perform data collection, a part of the centralized admission procedure to Croatian higher education institutions and support a number of national bodies. |
ASIIN e.V. | Registered | 19 | ASIIN | 2008-03-04 | 2026-08-31 | | | Institutional/System evaluation |
Certification |
Joint programme accreditation |
DEU Germany | AUS Australia, ECU Ecuador, EGY Egypt, United Kingdom (England), ARM Armenia, ISL Iceland, United Kingdom (Northern Ireland), HRV Croatia, KAZ Kazakhstan, BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina, MKD North Macedonia, KGZ Kyrgyzstan, GEO Georgia, ITA Italy, SWE Sweden, AUT Austria, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, MEX Mexico, MLT Malta, OMN Oman, PER Peru, SAU Saudi Arabia, SVN Slovenia, ESP Spain, SRB Serbia, UZB Uzbekistan, CAN Canada, CHN China, People's Republic of, VNM Vietnam, GHA Ghana, HKG Hong Kong, HUN Hungary, IDN Indonesia, IRQ Iraq, JPN Japan, JOR Jordan, AZE Azerbaijan, BHR Bahrain, EST Estonia, FIN Finland, FRA France, MNG Mongolia, NAM Namibia, NLD Netherlands, POL Poland, ROU Romania, RUS Russia, CHE Switzerland, THA Thailand, TUN Tunisia, UGA Uganda, UKR Ukraine | Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN) | Mörsenbroicher Weg 200 | | | ASIIN is carried by an alliance of academic/professional associations and higher education institutions. All activities of ASIIN aim at securing and enhancing the quality of higher education, nationally and internationally. ASIIN provides quality standards for programmes and HEIs, further education offers, a maturity model for HEIs, and participates in projects and networks aiming at fostering QA in higher education. ASIIN includes the parent organization (e.V.) and the daughter (Consult GmbH). |
Valencian Agency for Assessment and Forecasting | Registered | 72 | AVAP | 2022-06-01 | 2027-06-30 | | | Follow-up of study programmes |
ESP Spain | Agència Valenciana d’Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP) | Plaça de l’Ajuntament nº 6 | | AVAP is the Valencian Agency for Assessment and Forecasting (“Agència Valenciana d'Avaluació i Prospectiva”) and was created with the aim of guaranteeing the quality and excellence of Valencian systems of higher education, innovation and public services, through assessment and forecast. AVAP was created by Law 5/2006 of 25 of May as a public law entity subject to private law. |
British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education | Registered | 20 | BAC | 2015-01-31 | 2025-02-28 | | | Accreditation of higher education institutions |
United Kingdom (England), BGR Bulgaria, CYP Cyprus, LBN Lebanon, GRC Greece, CZE Czech Republic, MUS Mauritius, SVN Slovenia, ZAF South Africa, GBR United Kingdom, GHA Ghana, HUN Hungary, MNG Mongolia, QAT Qatar, CHE Switzerland | Wax Chadlers' Hall | | | BAC is an independent organisation, established to be the national accrediting body for independent post-16 education in the UK. BAC is a not-for-profit charitable organisation and is self-financing through accreditation fees. It receives no public funding. BAC is a non-regulatory body and higher education institutions applying for accreditation approach BAC voluntarily. The award of accreditation is subject to an institution meeting standards established and periodically reviewed by BAC. The decision to award accreditation is made by an independent committee which considers reports produced by a professional inspectorate. Institutions are subject to regular monitoring, centering on interim visits and the submission of annual returns. |
BAC has applied for renewal of inclusion. Its registration remains fully valid pursuant to §4.2 of the EQAR Procedures for Applications, until a decision on renewal has been made. |
Central Asian Association for Accreditation of Education | Registered | 77 | CAAAE | 2023-06-01 | 2028-06-30 | | | Institutional accreditation in Kazakhstan |
Awarding EUR-ACE Label to educational programs |
Центрально-Азиатская Ассоциация по аккредитации образования () | until 2024-01-17: Kazakhstan Association for Modern (Elite) Education (KAZSEE) | 24, Koktem-3 micro district 050040, Almaty Kazakhstan | | Associations of legal entities "Central Asian Association for Accreditation of Education (CAAAE)". Is a public non-profit organization in the form of an association of legal entities. CAAAE was established in 2007, under the name Kazakhstan Association for Modern (Elite) Education (KAZSEE), as an independent public and professional structure affiliated with the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE). Mission of CAAAE: |
Engineering Degree Commission | Registered | 22 | CTI | 2009-04-01 | 2029-04-30 | | | Attribution of the EUR-ACE label at Master level |
Quality labels of French and foreign institutions (CeQuInt) |
FRA France, Belgium (French Community), Belgium (Flemish Community), BEL Belgium | BGR Bulgaria, LBN Lebanon, BFA Burkina Faso, CMR Cameroon, VNM Vietnam, MAR Morocco, CHE Switzerland, TUN Tunisia | Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI) | 44 rue Cambronne | | | CTI (Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur) is an independent body fully involved in the development of the European Higher Education Area, established by the French law in 1934. Its missions are respectively: the evaluation and accreditation of higher education institutions and programmes in the field of engineering in France and abroad; the defining of the generic academic and professional profile of the engineer at master’s level; the academic and professional recognition of the French engineering degree abroad; advice on all issues linked to engineering education and professional title; the development of quality in engineering education. In France, all accredited engineering programmes have to be evaluated at least every five years. CTI is a founding member of ENAEE and is authorised to award the EUR-ACE label at the master's level. CTI is also a full member of ENQA, ECA, FrAQ-SUP and represents France in the Thematic Peer Group on Quality Assurance of the Bologna process. |
CTI is a field dedicated agency, its scope is the accreditation of engineering programmes. |
The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education | Registered | 60 | CYQAA | 2019-02-01 | 2029-01-31 | | | Institutional evaluation – accreditation |
Evaluation and accreditation of cross-border education |
Departmental Evaluation-Accreditation |
Joint programme evaluation – accreditation |
CYP Cyprus | GRC Greece, ITA Italy, LTU Lithuania, CZE Czech Republic, ESP Spain, CHN China, People's Republic of, HUN Hungary, EST Estonia | Φορέας Διασφάλισης και Πιστοποίησης της Ποιότητας της Ανώτερης Εκπαίδευσης (ΔΙΠΑΕ) | Lemesou Avenue 5 | | | CYQAA is the national authority of Cyprus responsible to ensure the quality of higher education and to support, according to the legislation, its continuous improvement and upgrading. The Agency is managed by a Council which consists of the President, the Vice-President and 9 members. CYQAA started its operations on 5/11/2015. |
European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education | Registered | 48 | EAEVE | 2018-04-01 | 2028-04-30 | | | European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT)-SOP 2019 |
European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT) - joint programme |
Belgium (Flemish Community), TUR Türkiye, Belgium (French Community), United Kingdom (England), United Kingdom (Scotland), BGR Bulgaria, HRV Croatia, GRC Greece, ITA Italy, SWE Sweden, AUT Austria, LTU Lithuania, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, IRL Ireland, NOR Norway, SVN Slovenia, ESP Spain, DEU Germany, HUN Hungary, JPN Japan, DNK Denmark, FIN Finland, FRA France, POL Poland, ROU Romania, UKR Ukraine | Hietzinger Kai 87 | | The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) is the only transnational non-governmental accrediting organisation for veterinary medicine in Europe with the primary objective to monitor the harmonization of the minimum standards set down in the study programme for veterinarians in the EU Directives. |
veterinary medicine |
Eurasian Сentre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Health Care | Registered | 76 | ECAQA | 2022-06-01 | 2027-06-30 | | | Institutional accreditation of Higher Education Institutions |
Programme Accreditation of Bachelor’ Degree, Master’s Degree Programmes, PhD programmes, Residency programmes, CPD programmes |
KAZ Kazakhstan | 75, Karasay Batyr Street | | ECAQA was established in 2016 and it has been
registered as a non-governmental and non-profit
organization. |
European Council for Theological Education e.V. | Registered | 70 | ECTE | 2022-12-01 | 2026-08-30 | | | Institutional accreditation of micro-credential providers |
Institutional and programme accreditation |
United Kingdom (England), United Kingdom (Scotland), HRV Croatia, KAZ Kazakhstan, ITA Italy, ALB Albania, PRT Portugal, DEU Germany, MDA Moldova, NLD Netherlands, ROU Romania, CHE Switzerland, UKR Ukraine | Hindenburgstr. 36 | | | The European Council for Theological Education is a cross-border, subject-specific quality assurance agency offering institutional and programme accreditation for higher education General description: institutions and alternative providers of higher education in the discipline of theology. |
Evaluation Agency Baden-Württemberg | Registered | 25 | evalag | 2009-09-01 | 2029-05-31 | | | Audits of quality management in Austria |
Certification of Continual Professional Development offers of HEIs |
Joint programme accreditation |
AUT Austria, LIE Liechtenstein, CHE Switzerland, DEU Germany | LBN Lebanon, ALB Albania, MEX Mexico, HUN Hungary, JOR Jordan, XKX Kosovo, RUS Russia | Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg (evalag) | Europaplatz 11 69115 Heidelberg | | | evalag is a centre of competence for quality assurance and enhancement. The agency supports higher education institutions and other scientific institutions with their commitment for good quality in teaching and learning, research and services; since October 2009 evalag is accreditated as an accreditation agency. |
Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation | Registered | 26 | FIBAA | 2008-03-04 | 2026-10-31 | | | Institutional audit in Austria |
Certification of continuing education courses |
CHE Switzerland, DEU Germany, AUT Austria, KAZ Kazakhstan, ROU Romania | TUR Türkiye, EGY Egypt, LUX Luxembourg, LBN Lebanon, ALB Albania, LTU Lithuania, PRT Portugal, OMN Oman, SVN Slovenia, USA United States, VNM Vietnam, HUN Hungary, IDN Indonesia, JOR Jordan, AZE Azerbaijan, NLD Netherlands, QAT Qatar, RUS Russia, TUN Tunisia, UKR Ukraine | Internationale Agentur zur Qualitätssicherung im Hochschulbereich (FIBAA) | Berliner Freiheit 20-24 | | | FIBAA is a nationally as well as internationally experienced non-profit agency for quality assurance. FIBAA is accredited by the German Accreditation Council since 2000 (re-accreditation in 2005, 2007, 2012, 2017 and 2022, respectively for 5 years). FIBAA is also recognised by the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER), the Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO), the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research. The task of quality assurance lies within the responsibility of higher education institutions. FIBAA supports them in achieving their self-defined objectives. It offers impulses for further quality development. It promotes quality and transparency in academic education by assessing Higher Education Institutions. FIBAA bases its work on national and international requirements and standards as well as pays special attention to internationalisation, practical relevance and employability. |
In the field of accreditation and certification at programme level, FIBAA operates in higher education institutions with a focus on programmes in Economics, Social Sciences and Law. |
Finnish Education Evaluation Centre | Registered | 27 | FINEEC | 2010-07-01 | 2027-03-31 | | | Institutional quality audits |
Engineering programme accreditations (for the EUR-ACE label) |
FIN Finland, AUT Austria | SVN Slovenia | KARVI - Kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus (FINEEC) | until 2014-04-30: Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) | PO Box 380 | | | The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent government agency responsible for the national evaluation of education. The evaluations of FINEEC cover the education system in its entirety, from early childhood education to higher education. |
FINEEC operates both on university and university of applied sciences sectors. |
German Accreditation Council | Registered | 71 | GAC | 2022-06-01 | 2027-06-30 | | | System accreditation in Germany |
Programme accreditation in Germany |
DEU Germany | Stiftung Akkreditierungsrat (AR) | Adenauerallee 73 | | GAC has the legal form of a foundation of public law. It was originally set up by the North Rhine-Westphalian Law establishing a foundation “Foundation for the Accreditation of Study Programmes in Germany” of 15 February 2005. With the Interstate Study Accreditation Treaty, which came into force on 1 January 2018, the name of the foundation was changed to “Foundation Accreditation Council ”. In international contexts, the foundation is referred to as the German Accreditation Council. |
Hellenic Authority for Higher Education | Registered | 74 | HAHE | 2022-09-01 | 2027-09-30 | | | Accreditation of the internal quality assurance systems of the Greek HEIs |
Academic accreditation of the study programmes (QF-EHEA first and second cycle) of the Greek HEIs |
GRC Greece | 1 Aristidou & 2 Evripidou | | HAHE is an independent administrative authority and its mission is to ensure high quality in HE. It is governed by Law 4653/2020 and is the continuation of the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA), which was established in 2006. The Authority has administrative autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Education, who exercises oversight control of legality. To fulfil its mission, HAHE maintains an integrated information system for the management of HE data and cooperates with international networks and agencies that are active in any domain related to its mission. |
Estonian Quality Agency for Education | Registered | 24 | HAKA | 2013-03-01 | 2028-02-29 | | | Institutional accreditation of higher education institutions |
Initial assessment and re-assesment of study programme groups |
Quality assessment of joint programmes |
EST Estonia | ARM Armenia, MDA Moldova | Eesti Hariduse Kvaliteediagentuur (HAKA) | until 2015-04-01: Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA) / until 2022-06-11: Eesti Kõrg- ja Kutsehariduse Kvaliteediagentuur (EKKA), Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) | A.H. Tammsaare tee 47 Tallinn 11316 | | | The Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA)* is the leading competence centre in the field of external evaluation of educational institutions in Estonia. HAKA’s activities are based on the needs of the Estonian education system and learners as well as guidelines and agreements in the areas of European higher and vocational education. In its daily work HAKA draws on up-to-date know-how tailored to the local context and informs stakeholders of the results of external assessments and analyses conducted thereof. *The Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA), has officially changed its name from Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education (EKKA) as of 12/06/2022. |
High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education | Registered | 29 | HCERES | 2010-05-01 | 2027-04-30 | | | Evaluation of foreign institutions |
Evaluation of programmes and degrees |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
FRA France, LUX Luxembourg | ARG Argentina, SLV El Salvador, ARM Armenia, HRV Croatia, LBN Lebanon, GRC Greece, SWE Sweden, LTU Lithuania, PRT Portugal, MLI Mali, SAU Saudi Arabia, SEN Senegal, ESP Spain, ARE United Arab Emirates, BFA Burkina Faso, CMR Cameroon, CPV Cape Verde, CRI Costa Rica, CIV Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), VNM Vietnam, GHA Ghana, GTM Guatemala, JOR Jordan, DJI Djibouti, MAR Morocco, NER Niger, NGA Nigeria, POL Poland, QAT Qatar, ROU Romania, TGO Togo, TUN Tunisia | Haut Conseil d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (HCERES) | until 2014-11-17: Evaluation Agency for Research and Higher Education (AERES), Agence d'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (AERES) | 19 rue Poissonnière 75002 Paris
| | | The High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES), created by the Law No. 2013-660 of July 22nd, 2013 relative to higher education and research, has replaced the AERES as from November 17th, 2014 (after publication of the decree No.2014-1365 of November 14th, 2014). The High Council's creation is an outcome of the thoughts being given to the evaluation of research and higher education in France. It is a reflection of the State's resolve to equip the country with an evaluation tool in this field with which it can base its decisions on reliable, fair and transparent elements. The law tasks the HCERES with the following missions:
Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating | Registered | 30 | IAAR | 2017-02-01 | 2026-12-31 | | | Institutional accreditation of educational institutions |
Specialised programmes accreditation |
KAZ Kazakhstan | ARM Armenia, KGZ Kyrgyzstan, UZB Uzbekistan, AZE Azerbaijan, BLR Belarus, DMA Dominica, MDA Moldova, ROU Romania, RUS Russia, TJK Tajikistan, UKR Ukraine | Независимое агентство аккредитации и рейтинга (IAAR) | Baurzhan Momyshuly avenue 2 | | | IAAR is an accreditation body established to create a competitive environment in the system of independent evaluation of the quality of education on national and international levels by conducting the procedures of accreditation. According to the Decree № 304 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan from June 27, 2012 IAAR was included into the National Register of Accreditation Bodies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. |
Institutional Evaluation Programme | Registered | 31 | IEP | 2009-04-01 | 2029-01-31 | | | Institutional evaluation |
TUR Türkiye, LVA Latvia, KAZ Kazakhstan, LUX Luxembourg, MKD North Macedonia, KGZ Kyrgyzstan, LBN Lebanon, GEO Georgia, ITA Italy, SVK Slovakia, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, IRL Ireland, SVN Slovenia, ESP Spain, CRI Costa Rica, HUN Hungary, BRA Brazil, MNE Montenegro, POL Poland, ROU Romania | c/o EUA, 114 rue du Rhône | | | Consistent with institutional autonomy, the mission of the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) is to support higher education institutions and systems in developing their strategic leadership and capacity to manage change through a process of voluntary institutional evaluations. IEP is a European evaluation programme launched in 1994 and has, to date, carried out over 400 evaluations and follow-up evaluations of diverse higher education institutions in 47 countries worldwide. |
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education | Registered | 32 | IQAA | 2017-02-01 | 2027-04-30 | | | Institutional accreditation of higher education institutions |
Programme accreditation of study programmes in higher education |
KAZ Kazakhstan | KGZ Kyrgyzstan, UZB Uzbekistan, AZE Azerbaijan, TJK Tajikistan | Білім сапасын қамтамасыздандыру бойынша тәуелсіз агенттігі (IQAA), Независимое агентство по обеспечению качества в образовании (IQAA) | Dostyk Street, 20, office 801 | | | IQAA is a non-governmental and non-profit organization created for the enhancement of the quality of education and competitiveness of educational institutions; provision of information about institutions to all stakeholders in Kazakhstan and abroad. The mission of the Agency is to assist in the improvement of the quality of education in educational institutions and the enhancement of their competitiveness at national and international levels. |
Hungarian Accreditation Committee | Registered | 58 | MAB | 2018-09-01 | 2028-10-31 | | | Initial accreditation of new higher education institutions |
Initial evaluation of bachelor programmes |
Accreditation of medical schools based on the WFME 2020 standards |
HUN Hungary, UKR Ukraine | MAB - Magyar Felsőoktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság (MAB) | Arena Corner Office Building Reception C, 5th Floor Hungária krt. 40-44 | | | HAC was established in 1993 and has been an ENQA member since 2000. HAC is a national-level, independent body of experts conducting external evaluations of the quality of higher education institutions in Hungary. It elaborates its own rules of procedure and criteria for evaluation. |
Fundación para el Conocimiento Madrimasd | Registered | 28 | madri+d | 2015-06-08 | 2025-02-28 | | | DOCENTIA |
Accreditation of official degree programmes |
Joint programme evaluation |
ESP Spain | Calle Maestro Ángel Llorca 6 | | | Fundación para el Conocimiento Madrimasd (madri+d, fmid) is the designated official assessment body for the Madrid Higher Education System. It is a non-profit organization established in 2002 whose aim is to contribute making the quality of higher education, science, technology and innovation a key element in the competitiveness and well-being of the citizenry. |
Music Quality Enhancement | Registered | 34 | MusiQuE | 2015-11-01 | 2025-07-31 | | | Quality enhancement reviews of institutions |
Programme accreditation |
Critical friend reviews |
Accreditation of joint programmes |
KAZ Kazakhstan, NLD Netherlands | Belgium (Flemish Community), United Kingdom (Wales), LBN Lebanon, SWE Sweden, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, SGP Singapore, ESP Spain, SRB Serbia, EST Estonia, POL Poland, RUS Russia, CHE Switzerland, THA Thailand, TUN Tunisia | c/o AEC, Avenue des Celtes, 20 | | | MusiQuE is an external evaluation body dedicated to the continuous improvement of the quality of higher music education across Europe and beyond and to assisting higher music education institutions in their own enhancement of quality. MusiQuE’s work is subject-specific and is characterized by flexibility, diversity, transparency and accountability. Its operations are underpinned by independent, skilled and authoritative international peers. |
Higher music education |
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency | Registered | 49 | NEAA | 2018-02-01 | 2028-02-29 | | | | Institutional accreditation |
Assessment of distance learning offers |
Post-Accreditation Monitoring and Control (PAMC) procedure |
BGR Bulgaria | Национална агенция за оценяване и акредитация (НАОА) | 125 Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd | | NEAA is the official accreditation body in the country. The agency is responsible for quality assurance of higher education. |
Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education | Registered | 36 | NOKUT | 2013-05-01 | 2028-04-30 | | | Periodic review of institutional quality assurance practices |
Supervision of the programme accreditation |
Combined research and education evaluation (in development) |
NOR Norway | Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen (NOKUT) | PO Box 578 | | | NOKUT was established by the U&C Act in 2002 and became operative by 1 January 2003. The act lists NOKUT's main tasks and empowers the agency as the only official quality assurance agency for Norwegian higher education. NOKUT's mission is to contribute towards trust in quality both in higher education, vocational education at tertiary level and in recognised foreign higher education. This is done both by quality assurance and through analysis and development activities. |
Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders | Registered | 37 | NVAO | 2008-03-04 | 2027-09-30 | | | Initial institutional accreditation in the Netherlands |
Initial programme accreditation in Flanders for universities and universities of applied sciences and arts |
Combined institutional/programme assessments in Luxembourg |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
NLD Netherlands, LUX Luxembourg, SXM St. maarten, Belgium (Flemish Community), ARM Armenia, CUW Curaçao, BEL Belgium | United Kingdom (England), GRC Greece, ITA Italy, AUT Austria, PRT Portugal, CZE Czech Republic, IRL Ireland, NOR Norway, ESP Spain, USA United States, DEU Germany, HUN Hungary, ISR Israel, DNK Denmark, FRA France, POL Poland, CHE Switzerland | Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO) | Parkstraat 83 | | | NVAO is the independent and binational accreditation organisation for higher education in the Netherlands and in Flanders (the Flemish Community of Belgium). Its activities include drafting frameworks, deciding on accreditation for existing programmes, coordinating assessments and deciding on initial accreditation, institutional audits, or reviews in the Netherlands and Flanders. NVAO advises the Minsters of Education in both countries or carries out assessments related to quality assurance. |
Polish Accreditation Committee | Registered | 38 | PKA | 2008-12-01 | 2028-06-30 | | | Institutional evaluation (ex-post) |
Programme evaluation (ex-post) |
Joint programme accreditation |
POL Poland | Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna (PKA) | until 2011-09-30: Państwowa Komisja Akredytacyjna (PKA), State Accreditation Commission (PKA) | Zurawia 32/34 | | | The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) was established on 1 January 2002 pursuant to art. 38, clause 1 of the Law on Higher Education of 12 September 1990 (OJ No. 65, item 385) amended on 20 July 2001. The Polish Accreditation Committee is an independent institution working for the quality of education. |
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education | Registered | 39 | QAA | 2013-07-01 | 2028-06-30 | Following QAA's own classification, EQAR accepted that the QE-TNE scheme is a country-specific and thematic quality enhancement activity, i.e. a service offered to institutions, and not a quality assessment against the ESG. QE-TNE is thus outside the scope of the ESG and not covered by QAA's EQAR registration; the resulting reports may not be used or presented as such. | | | Higher Education Review (England and Northern Ireland) |
General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) Review |
United Kingdom (England), United Kingdom (Northern Ireland), United Kingdom (Wales), United Kingdom (Scotland) | ALB Albania, ARE United Arab Emirates, JOR Jordan, QAT Qatar | Southgate House | | | The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)'s mission is to safeguard standards and improve the quality of UK higher education. |
Quality and Qualifications Ireland | Registered | 41 | QQI | 2015-06-05 | 2029-05-31 | | | Approval of provider quality assurance procedures (*) |
Programme validation/re-validation |
Delegated authority to make awards |
IRL Ireland | Dearbhú Cáilíochta agus Cáilíochtaí Éireann (QQI) | 26/27 Denzille Lane | | | Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) QQI is the sole agency in Ireland with responsibility for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training. QQI is the awarding body and validates programmes for certain providers in these sectors. QQI is responsible for the promotion, maintenance, development and review of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). QQI also informs the public about the quality of education and training programmes and qualifications and advises on national policy regarding quality assurance and enhancement in education and training. The activities marked below (*) include documentation related to further (vocational) education and training and higher education. |
Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education | Registered | 78 | SAAHE | 2023-09-01 | 2028-09-30 | | | Institutional accreditation |
Programme accreditation |
State approval proceeding |
SVK Slovakia | Slovenská akreditačná agentúra pre vysoké školstvo (SAAVŠ) | Námestie slobody 6943/11 811 06 Bratislava 15 Slovakia | | | SAAHE was established as an independent legal body by the Quality Assurance Act in November 2018. The main objective of this legal change in Slovakia was the adoption of quality assurance framework in higher education, fully consistent with the European principles governing this area in Europe. The remit of SAAHE and its structure are already determined by the Quality Assurance Act which identifies the agency’s internal bodies and defines their rights, duties, and basic links. One of the initial steps of SAAHE which resulted from the Quality Assurance Act, was the preparation and publication of the Standards for the Internal System, the Standards for Study Programme, and the Methodology for their Evaluation. These documents, together with the Quality Assurance Act form the basic legal framework of SAAHE operation. |
Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education | Registered | 42 | SKVC | 2012-06-01 | 2027-06-30 | | | Ex-post institutional review in Lithuania |
Ex-ante study programme external evaluation and accreditation in Lithuania |
Joint programme accreditation |
LTU Lithuania | UKR Ukraine | Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras (SKVC) | A. Gostauto g. 12 | | | The main objectives of SKVC are to promote the quality of activities of higher education institutions and to contribute to creation of favourable conditions for the free movement of persons. Established in 1995 as an independent state institution, SKVC is the only external quality assurance agency responsible for all types of higher education institutions in Lithuania (state and private, university type and college of higher education type). SKVC also acts as a local ENIC/NARIC office carrying out academic diploma recognition. |
Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency | Registered | 43 | SQAA | 2013-06-01 | 2028-06-30 | | | Re-accreditation of higher education institutions |
Accreditation of new study programmes |
Accreditation of international joint programmes |
SVN Slovenia | HRV Croatia, CZE Czech Republic | NAKVIS - Nacionalna agencija Republike Slovenije za kakovost v visokem šolstvu (SQAA) | Miklošičeva cesta 7 | | | The Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency (NAKVIS) is responsible for the comparability and international recognition of the Slovenian higher education area, and advocates the constant improvement of its quality. It acts in content and formally responsible, professional and independent and advisory to all stakeholders in tertiary education in accordance with European and global trends. |
Turkish Higher Education Quality Council | Registered | 64 | THEQC | 2022-10-01 | 2025-04-30 | | | Institutional External Evaluation |
TUR Türkiye | Yükseköğretim Kalite Kurulu (YÖKAK) | Universiteler Mah. 1600, Cad. No:10 | | Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC) was initially founded in 2015 as the "Turkish Higher Education Quality Board" based on the "Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation". THEQC was reorganized and renamed by the law in 2017. THEQC has gained administrative and financial independence and became the only national authority in charge of QA in the Turkish higher education system. THEQC’s mission is to strengthen QA systems in higher education in order to contribute to the continuous enhancement of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Turkey and thus, the achievement of universal qualifications by individuals. Besides, THEQC's vision is to be an effective and internationally recognized institution in the higher education quality assurance field. THEQC's main responsibilities are to perform the external evaluation of HEIs, coordinate the authorization and recognition processes of accreditation agencies, and ensure the internalization and dissemination of QA culture in HEIs. |
Swedish Higher Education Authority | Registered | 63 | UKÄ | 2020-12-01 | 2025-12-31 | | | Thematic evaluation |
Programme evaluations |
SWE Sweden | Universitetskanslersämbetet () | Universitetskanslersämbetet Box 6024 | | | The Swedish Higher Education Authority is an independent government agency and official quality assurance agency for HE and research in Sweden. Its quality assurance comprises institutional reviews of HEIs' QA processes, programme evaluations, appraisal of applications for degree-awarding powers, and thematic evaluations. The agency also does legal supervision of HEIs, HE statistics and monitoring trends in HE as tasks beyond quality assurance. |
Agency for Quality of the Basque University System | Registered | 44 | Unibasq | 2014-04-01 | 2029-01-31 | | | CeQuInt Certification (institutional) |
Ex-post evaluation of artistic study programmes |
Joint programme accreditation |
ESP Spain | Belgium (French Community), United Kingdom (England), SWE Sweden, PRT Portugal, IRL Ireland, MLT Malta, NOR Norway, DEU Germany, FRA France, NLD Netherlands, POL Poland | Euskal Unibertsitate Sistemaren Kalitate Agentzia / Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Universitario Vasco (Unibasq) | San Prudencio, 8 | | | The Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Unibasq - Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Universitario Vasco) was created in 2004 and its objective is the evaluation, accreditation and certification of quality in the area of the Basque University System, while taking the Spanish and international framework into account. |
Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Higher Education Council | Registered | 45 | VLUHR QA | 2013-05-07 | 2029-09-30 | | | Programme assessment in Flemish HE |
Joint programme assessment |
Belgium (Flemish Community), BEL Belgium | HRV Croatia, ITA Italy, LTU Lithuania, CZE Czech Republic, IRL Ireland, ESP Spain, DEU Germany, FRA France, ROU Romania | VLUHR KZ - Vlaamse universiteiten en hogescholen raad, cel kwaliteitszorg (VLUHR QA) | until 2013-05-06: Flemish Council of University Colleges (VLHORA) / until 2013-05-06: Flemish Interuniversity Council (Quality Assurance Unit) (VLIR) | VLUHR Quality Assurance | | | VLUHR - Quality Assurance Unit is a quality assurance agency that contributes to the safeguard and the continual improvement of quality in higher education. Through its activities, VLUHR QA stimulates quality culture within higher education institutions. VLUHR QA wants to be a leading expertise centre with regard to quality assurance in higher education. It also aims to offer and share its knowledge with stakeholders. |
Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency | Registered | 46 | ZEvA | 2008-03-04 | 2026-09-30 | | | Institutional, programme, subject and thematic evaluation |
Certification in tertiary education |
European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes |
AUT Austria, DEU Germany | Belgium (Flemish Community), EGY Egypt, ETH Ethiopia, United Kingdom (England), BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina, MKD North Macedonia, ITA Italy, ALB Albania, SWE Sweden, LTU Lithuania, NOR Norway, SAU Saudi Arabia, ESP Spain, ARE United Arab Emirates, IRQ Iraq, KEN Kenya, DNK Denmark, POL Poland, RUS Russia, CHE Switzerland, TZA Tanzania, UGA Uganda, UKR Ukraine | Zentrale Evaluations - und Akkreditierungsagentur (ZEvA) | Lilienthalstrasse 1 | | | ZEvA is based in Hanover, Germany and has been active in the field of quality assurance in higher education since 1995. ZEvA's main fields of activity are evaluation, accreditation, auditing and certification in the areas of teaching and learning as well as higher education governance and management and has cooperated with numerous HEIs in Germany, the EHEA and beyond. ZEvA is a founding member of ECA, a member of ENQA and participates in the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI). |
Academic Information Centre | Previously registered | 55 | AIC | 2018-06-01 | 2023-06-30 | | | Institutional evaluation |
Assessment and accreditation of study fields |
Assessment of feasibility on changes in study programmes |
LVA Latvia, UKR Ukraine | Akadēmiskās Informācijas Centrs (AIC) | Vaļņu iela 2 | | | Academic Information Centre (AIC) is a non‐profit foundation established in 1994. The AIC consists of three departments: Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA), established in 2015 with task assigned by government; the Latvian ENIC/NARIC Centre for recognition of qualifications; and project department which ensures projects such as Coordination Point for Latvian National Qualifications framework, participation in the ReferNet network, and other projects on HE. |
Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development | Previously registered | 11 | AKKORK | 2014-10-01 | 2019-10-31 | The Register Committee has decided to reject the application of AKKORK for renewal of registration at its meeting in June 2020. AKKORK has appealed this decision. The ultimate decision will be published once the appeal is final. | | | Internal quality assurance system audit and certification (IQAS) |
International e-learning accreditation |
Joint accreditation at the program and institutional levels |
RUS Russia | Spartakovskaya str. 14, bldg. 4, office 4207 | | | AKKORK is an independent quality assurance agency. AKKORK offers evaluation, accreditation and certification of education institutions. AKKORK conducts the accreditation and assessment process out in accordance with quality assurance standards based on the ESG. Assessments are conducted by the independent trained reviewers using self-evaluation, peer review and site visit. Also AKKORK offers different education seminars on different subjects such as integration of project work method into the education process. |
National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes | Previously registered | 66 | ANVUR | | | Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR) | Via Ippolito Nievo 35 | | ANVUR, an ENQA affiliate since 2013, is an independent public body which oversees the quality assessment system of public and private universities. The Agency has developed its assessment criteria and procedures, based on the ESG adopted in the EHEA, as established by law 240/2010 and Decrees 19/2012 & 987/2016. The QA system, operational since 2013, provides for the self‐assessment by programmes and institutions, and an external assessment by ANVUR, based on site visits and document analysis. |
Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance | Previously registered | 51 | AQA | 2009-10-07 | 2012-11-30 | The agency was merged into AQ Austria and no longer exists. | | | Quality audits and system accreditation |
Certification and accreditation of study programmes |
Evaluation of organisational structures and programmes |
Österreichische Qualitätssicherungsagentur () | None None | | empty |
European Association for Public Administration Accreditation | Previously registered | 23 | EAPAA | 2014-05-22 | 2018-10-31 | EAPAA decided not to renew its registration on EQAR, therefore its registration ended on 31 October 2018. | | | Programme accreditation |
PO Box 217, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance | | | EAPAA promotes the quality of European academic level public administration programmes by accreditation, encourages curriculum development and innovation, provides a forum for discussion on quality and accreditation and assures the quality of European Public Administration programmes by accrediting programmes when they apply for this accreditation. |
Bachelor and master degree programmes in public administration (including public policy and public management). |
European Council on Chiropractic Education | Previously registered | 50 | ECCE | 2013-05-07 | 2016-12-31 | ECCE re-applied for inclusion on EQAR in September 2021, but the application was rejected as the Register Committee was unable to conclude that ECCE substantially complies with the ESG. | | | Accreditation of chiropractic educational institutions |
Accreditation of chiropractic programmes |
Charlottenstrasse 32 | | | ECCE is a quality assurance agency for the education and training of chiropractors in Europe and South Africa. Chiropractors are primary contact healthcare practitioners concerned with the diagnosis and management of a range of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly back pain, neck pain and headache. Chiropractic is a statutory regulated profession in some, but not all, countries in Europe. |
Enhancing Quality in the Arts | Previously registered | 62 | EQ-Arts | 2021-01-01 | 2023-09-30 | EQ-Arts has withdrawn its application following an additional representation on 11/03/2024. | | | Unit enhancement review |
Programme enhancement review |
Joint programme enhancement review |
Belgium (Flemish Community), CHE Switzerland | Herengracht 401-H | | | EQ-Arts is a sector-specific, not-for-profit, Foundation that represents a wide range of disciplines within the broad remit of the creative and performing arts and design (CPAD). Its focus is on enhancement-led quality assurance (QA) for higher arts education across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and beyond. The QA activities we carry out are aligned to the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) 2015. |
Danish Evaluation Institute | Previously registered | 52 | EVA | 2011-05-14 | 2014-12-31 | EVA did not renew its registration due to the fact that all functions regarding QA and accreditation in higher education have been moved to the Danish Accreditation Institution. EVA continues to conduct thematic evaluations and studies. | | | Accreditation of study programmes under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture |
DNK Denmark | Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut (EVA) | Østbanegade 55, 3. sal | | not applicable |
Higher Education and Training Awards Council | Previously registered | 53 | HETAC | 2009-10-07 | 2011-09-30 | HETAC decided that it would not be sensible to undertake a second external review of the agency to maintain its EQAR registration in 2011, as the agency was expecting to be amalgamated. Since 15 October 2012, HETAC’s functions have been taken over by the new Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI). QQI has been registered on EQAR since June 2015. | | | Registration of providers |
Programme accreditation |
Delegating authority to make awards |
IRL Ireland | None None | | not applicable |
Independent Kazakhstan Center of Accreditation | Previously registered | 79 | IKCA | | | KAZ Kazakhstan | Некоммерческое учреждение "Независимый Казахстанский центр аккредитации" (НКЦА) | Gete, 15 010000 Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan | | / |
Irish Universities Quality Board | Previously registered | 54 | IUQB | 2009-10-07 | 2013-09-30 | The functions of IUQB have been transferred to Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) as from 15 October 2012. The primary purpose of establishing IUQB has thus ceased. QQI has been registered on EQAR since June 2015. | | | IUQB Institutional Review |
IRL Ireland | None None | | not applicable |
Kosovo Accreditation Agency | Previously registered | 33 | KAA | 2015-06-05 | 2017-09-25 | Following an extraordinary revision of regsitration, the Register Committee concluded that KAA was no longer in compliance with ESG 3.3 and excluded the agency from the Register. The full reasoning is provided in the decision of the Register Committee "01/03/2018 Extraordinary Revision" on the archived register entry. | | | Accreditation of institutions |
Accreditation of academic programmes |
XKX Kosovo | Agjencia e Kosoves per Akreditim (KAA) | St. Agim Ramadani | | | KAA was established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) in accordance with the Law on Higher Education in Kosovo, as the Agency that guarantees the quality of educational and scientific research work in Higher Education Institutions in Kosovo. KAA is a public agency for the evaluation of quality at public and private institutions of higher education. The Kosovo Accreditation Agency has a legal basis for the accreditation of all higher education institutions that offer or propose to offer higher education programmes that lead to the award of academic degrees. |
Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Education Programs | Previously registered | 68 | MÜDEK | | | Mühendislik Eğitim Programları Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Derneği (MÜDEK) | Zincirlidere Caddesi No. 86 | | MÜDEK is a non-governmental organisation which accredits engineering education programmes in Turkey. MÜDEK is authorised by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to award the EUR-ACE Label to its accredited Bachelor engineering programs and is a full signatory of the Washington Accord. |
National Center For Educational Quality Enhancement | Previously registered | 59 | NCEQE | 2019-04-01 | 2024-04-30 | NCEQE is currently not registered on EQAR, but was registered from 01/04/2019 until 30/04/2024. | | | Authorization (and re-authorization) of higher education institutions |
Accreditation of educational programmes |
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes |
GEO Georgia | ESP Spain, FRA France | განათლების ხარისხის განვითარების ეროვნული ცენტრი () | 1 Aleksidze street | | | National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) is the only authorized quality assurance agency in Georgia. To fulfill its function of implementation and development of external quality assurance mechanisms for higher education institutions, the NCEQE continuously works on the development of the education quality concept, creates and maintains up-to-dated quality assurance standards and procedures and ensures their proper implementation on both institutional and programme level. |
National Centre for Public Accreditation | Previously registered | 35 | NCPA | 2014-06-01 | 2024-06-30 | The Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) condemned the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine as fundamental violation of the values, principles and goals of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and of the obligations and commitments Russia has undertaken since it joined the EHEA in 2003. The BFUG therefore suspended the Russian Federation's representation in all structures and activities of the EHEA. As a result, NCPA currently does not fulfil the eligibility criterion for EQAR registration that the agency operates in the EHEA (§1.5 of EQAR Procedures for Applications) for as long as the suspension lasts. NCPA's registration is therefore suspended. | | | Accreditation of institutions of further education |
Accreditation of educational programmes |
RUS Russia | KGZ Kyrgyzstan, CHN China, People's Republic of | 206a Volkov Str. | | | NCPA is an autonomous nonprofit organization established in 2009 to be the national quality assurance agency in higher education, with responsibility for public accreditation at the programmatic and institutional levels. NCPA’s mission in the Russian system of quality assurance is to form and promote quality culture in higher education through evaluation and accreditation of educational programmes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and ESG |
National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance | Previously registered | 21 | NEAQA | 2014-11-29 | 2017-12-31 | Following a decision of the Serbian Government of February 2018, the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (NEAQA) succeeded CAQA. The agency applied for renewal of registration in March 2017, but the application was rejected as the Register Committee was unable to conclude that the agency substantially complies with the ESG. | | | Accreditation of higher education institutions |
Accreditation of study programmes |
SRB Serbia | until 2018-09-15: Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (CAQA), Komisija za akreditaciju i proveru kvaliteta (KAPK) | 2 Blvd Mihajla Pupina, Palace of Serbia | | | CAQA is the only formally recognised commission responsible for external quality assurance of higher educational institutions in Serbia. CAQA carries out the accreditation procedure for higher education institutions and study programmes, decides on the application for accreditation and issues a certificate of accreditation which is a prerequisite for licencing higher educational institutions in Serbia. CAQA has a mandate to develop accreditation and quality assurance standards, help assure quality of institutions and educational programmes and proceed with external quality assurance processes in forms of accreditation and evaluation of all the existing higher education institutions and programmes. |
Netherlands Quality Agency | Previously registered | 67 | NQA | | | Catharijnesingel 56 | | As a(n) external quality assurance agency, NQA particularly organizes and co‐ordinates assessment of degree programmes on the basis of the formal Dutch accreditation framework. These assessments are the solid key objective of the activities of NQA. The results are laid down in a report that institutions/programmes use to get re‐accredited by the Netherlands‐Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO). |
Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities | Previously registered | 40 | QANU | 2011-05-01 | 2021-12-31 | QANU ceased all its activities and closed down on 31/12/2021. | | | Assessments of degree programmes |
NLD Netherlands | Catharijnesingel 56 | | | QANU is a quality assurance agency which aims at assessing degree and research programmes offered by universities in the Netherlands. QANU contributes to the national system of external quality assurance in higher education by providing insight in the quality of education and research, enabling universities to account for their activities in these areas and to further improve the quality of their education and research. QANU works with committees of independent peers. |
QANU is specialised in assessments of education and research programmes in all scientific disciplines at Dutch universities and other higher education institutions. |
Flemish Council of University Colleges | Previously registered | 56 | VLHORA | 2009-04-10 | 2013-05-06 | VLHORA (together with VLIR) merged into the Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges (VLUHR QAU), which was awarded provisional registration under the EQAR Merger Policy – see VLUHR QAU register entry. | | | Ravensteingalerij 27 bus 3 | | n/a |
Flemish Interuniversity Council – Quality Assurance Unit | Previously registered | 57 | VLIR | 2009-10-07 | 2013-05-06 | VLIR (together with VLHORA) merged into the Quality Assurance Unit of the Flemish Council of Universities and University Colleges (VLUHR QAU), which was awarded provisional registration under the EQAR Merger Policy – see VLUHR QAU register entry. | | | Ravensteingalerij 27 | | n/a |