Country | QA Requirements | Cross Border Recognition | Cross Border Eligibility | Cross Border Conditions | European Approach Availability | References | DEQAR Country ID | DEQAR Country URL | iso_3166_alpha2 | iso_3166_alpha3 | Cross Border Note | European Approach Note |
Country | QA Requirements | Cross Border Recognition | Cross Border Eligibility | Cross Border Conditions | European Approach Availability | References | DEQAR Country ID | DEQAR Country URL | iso_3166_alpha2 | iso_3166_alpha3 | Cross Border Note | European Approach Note |
Albania | - Institutional and programme evaluations: carried out every six years. | Approval of the Accreditation Board of the Albanian Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (ASCAL). |
The Albanian Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education (ASCAL) must aprove the request of the higher education institution to be accredited by a foreign QA agency. |
national QA criteria | no | - The Albanian qualifications framework (AQF) |
2 | | AL | ALB | ||
Andorra | - Institutional and programme evaluations.: | no | - Andorra - European Higher Education Area |
4 | | AD | AND | (unknown) |
Armenia | - Institutional accreditation: is a mandatory process for all higher education institutions (private or public) operating in Armenia and a prerequisite for programme accreditation. - Programme accreditation: Programme accreditation is carried out on the initiative of the higher education institution, based on voluntary basis, with the exception of medical academic programmes, the accreditation of which is compulsory. | Automatic. The accreditation results are listed in the State Accreditation Register. |
Registration on EQAR is sufficient. |
Agencies follow their usual, own standards and procedures. Prior to starting their accreditation procedure the higher education institution should inform national agency the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA). | yes | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
8 | | AM | ARM | The legislative framework explicitly allowing higher education institutions to choose a Quality Assurance Agency is the Government Decision No. 301 dated on March 19, 2014, Government Decision No. 978 dated June 30, 2011 ameding the Regulation of State Accreditation of the Educational Institutions providing professional education programs in the Republic of Armenia and their specializations (bullets 11 and 19). |
... |
Austria | - Institutional and initial programme accreditation: Private higher education institutions - Own methodology: University colleges of teacher education - Institutional audit: Public universities; universities of applied sciences after an uninterrupted accreditation period of 12 years - Institutional and initial programme accreditation: Universities of applied sciences | registration on EQAR; QA agencies have to also submit an expression of interest to the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. |
compliance with the criteria by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. |
yes | - ENIC NARIC |
10 | | AT | AUT |
See point §19 of the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education – HS-QSG |
Azerbaijan | - Institutional and programme accreditation: Accreditation carried out every 5 years or every 3 years in case of transnational education providers. | no | - The order of accreditation of higher education institutions (in Russian) |
11 | | AZ | AZE | |||||
Belarus | no | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
16 | | BY | BLR | ||||||
Belgium (Flemish Community) | - Institutional review and programme accreditation: University colleges and universities require an institutional review and they have to organize the assessment of the quality of their programmes. Other higher education institutions require programme accreditation. For all new programmes an initial accreditation and a first accreditation by NVAO is mandatory. Only education providers included in the Flemish Higher Education Register can award legally recognised degrees. Programme accreditation is still required for the delivery of new programmes or for programmes with a limited period of accreditation (the ‘Codex Hoger Onderwijs’ 2013). | methodological check re. assessment report by NVAO |
registration on EQAR or formal agreement with NVAO outlining requirements to meet the ESG |
own criteria |
yes | - Decision of the Flemish Government on higher education (in Dutch, Art. II. 122. § 4, the ‘Codex Hoger Onderwijs’ 2013) |
271 | | BE-fl | for external quality assurance at programme level |
Belgium (French Community) | - Programme evaluations: address 1st (bachelor) and 2nd cycle (master) degrees. | AEQES reviews the request of the higher education institution to recognise the programme evaluations carried out by the foreign agency; external QA carried out by EQAR-registered agencies go through a simplified procedure. |
EQAR registration |
own criteria (compatible with AEQES and the ESG) |
yes | - AEQES QA Guide |
272 | | BE-fr | for all periodic programme evaluations |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | - Institutional evaluations: - Accreditation of study programes: | partially / with conditions | - ENIC NARIC Bosnia and Herzegovina |
22 | | BA | BIH | While Bosnian and Herzegovinian higher education institutions may employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of their joint programmes (on the basis of agreement that will be signed with partner institutions within the consortium), the reviewed programme will not be included into the State register of accredited higher education institutions and study programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Bulgaria | - Institutional and programme evaluation: If the score obtained during the institutional accreditation procedure is below 4, the accreditation shall be denied. For scores between 4 and 5, the higher education institution may be allowed to offer instruction at Bachelor level in the relevant professional area or specialty related to regulated professions. For accreditation scores between 5 and 10 the higher institution may offer instruction at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level (pursuant to Article 80, Paragraph 2. Higher Education Act, 61/2011). | accreditation is given by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) based on the results of the assessment. |
registration on EQAR (Higher Education Act, Art. 79a) |
the foreign agency will have to use the same criteria and mark-based system as the national agency, NEAA. | no | - Bulgaria - European Higher Education Area |
26 | | BG | BGR | ||
Croatia | - Accreditation of higher education institutions and programmes: in all three cycles (every five years). - Audit of higher education institutions.: assessment of the quality assurance system of a higher education institution or a faculty (legal changes are envisaged to make audit a voluntary activity). - Initial accreditation: all new higher education institutions (public and private) and all new study programmes of private universities, polytechnics and colleges. Public universities do not undergo an initial accreditation. - Re-accreditation of doctoral study programmes: carried out as a cluster evaluation of the third cycle. | yes | - Information on ongoing implementation of the European Approach |
43 | | HR | HRV | Following the adoption of the Act on the Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Science" (Official Gazette 151/2022, link below) Croatian higher education institutions offering joint study programmes with a foreign higher education institution have to be accredited in accordance with the European Approach (EA). In case the EA is carried out by a foreign EQAR-registered QA agency, the Croatian higher education institution shall, following the accreditation procedure, submit the report and decision on the conducted accreditation procedure to the Croatian QA agency (ASHE). If the decision on accreditation is positive, ASHE shall recognise the decision and issue a licence for the delivery of the joint study programme. |
Cyprus | - External programmatic evaluation and accreditation: Is compulsory for all programmes of study offered by higher education institutions and it takes place every five-years. - Institutional evaluation: A systematic evaluation of all higher education institutions, taking place every five years. - Departmental Evaluation: It is a compulsory evaluation for all departments at universities and it takes place every five-years. In some cases there is a concurrent evaluation of study programmes within the department carried out together with the Departmental Evaluation. - Evaluation and accreditation of a study programme: a systematic evaluation carried out every five years. For PhD programmes additional areas of assessment are included i.e. selection criteria and requirements, proposal and dissertation. | final decision is to be taken by the Cypriot Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education based on the outcomes of the external QA activity carried out by the EQAR-registered agency. |
EQAR registration and prior consent needs to be obtained from the Cyprus national QA agency. |
(e.g. criteria to be used): own criteria | partially / with conditions | - Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education and the Establishment and Operation of an Agency on Related Matters Laws (of 2015 and 2016) |
45 | | CY | CYP | All higher education institutions may choose an EQAR-registered agency for their external evaluation (but not accreditation). The higher education institution is expected to obtain the prior consent of the National Agency (CYQAA) before the procedure. |
Higher education institutions may use the European Approach |
Czech Republic | - Accreditation of study programmes: granted for a period of up to ten years. Rejected application for accreditation can be resubmited after two years - Institutional accreditation: granted for a period of ten years or five years (if the previous application of the higher education institution was rejected). Higher education institution that were awarded institutional accreditation within a field are authorised to approve their own study programmes within the accreditated field. (see below Government Regulation No. 274/2016 on standards for accreditation in higher education). | The results of quality evaluations of the higher education institution carried out by an EQAR-registered agency may be used in the consideration of a decision by the National Accreditation Bureau (see below Section 84 of the Higher Education Act, modified as of 2018) |
n/a | no | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
46 | | CZ | CZE | The validity of a foreign accreditation will be considered for degree programmes that are to be carried out in cooperation with Czech higher education institutions. |
Denmark | - Institutional accreditation: involves an assessment of the institution’s overall quality assurance system (every six year in case of a positive accreditation) - Programme accreditation: until the higher education institution has achieved institutional accreditation | Danish higher education institutions are able to choose an EQAR-registered agency for the accreditation of Danish education programmes offered abroad and the accreditation of professional education programmes offered by transnational providers |
The agency can use its own criteria. | yes | - Accreditation Act no. 601 of 12 June 2013 (in Danish) |
47 | | DK | DNK | The Accreditation Council may choose an EQAR-registered agency, other than the Danish Accreditation Institution for the preparation of accreditation reports (see below the Accreditation Act, Chapter 2, § 3) or accept an accreditation report from another internationally recognised quality assurance agency at the request of a higher education institution. |
The European Approach is available to all higher education institutions.
Estonia | - Quality assessment of study programme groups: Obligatory periodic assessment (every seven years) of all the study programme groups in which a higher education institution has been granted the right to conduct studies. - Institutional accreditation: Once in every seven years higher education institutions must undergo institutional accreditation. - Initial assessment of study programme groups: An educational institution is granted the right to conduct studies by the Government of the Republic of Estonia in a specific study programme group and in a specific academic cycle (professional higher education, bachelor degree studies, master degree studies, doctoral studies). This allows the HEI to issue state-recognised diplomas under all programmes contained in the corresponding study programme group. Before such right is granted, the study programme group must undergo initial assessment, which the Ministry of Education commissions from EKKA. | The review report prepared by the foreign agency is submitted to EKKA who takes a decision on accreditation. |
the agency must be approved by the Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA)' council and EQAR registration is preferable. |
The higher education institution must submit a request to EKKA two years prior to the expiration date of its current accreditation. The foreign QA agency has to have experience in institutional evaluations/accreditations. After approval a tripartite agreement will be concluded between the foreign QA agency, the higher education institution and EKKA. (see link below: Guideline for Institutional Accreditation) Expenses related to the institutional accreditation by the foreign QA may be covered from the state budget, as long as they are the same to the costs of a national accreditation (see §38(6) of the Higher Education Act, linked below). | partially / with conditions | - Estonia - European Higher Education Area |
56 | | EE | EST | The use of the European Approach is possible as a simplified procedure for both initial and re-assessment of joint study programmes, under certain conditions i.e. the joint programme has previously undergone an assessment by an EQAR registered agency or the other higher education partners have the right to provide instruction in the corresponding study programme group and academic cycle. EKKA will assess if the eligibility criteria are met and if no substantial shortcomings have been identified in the assessment report. See the requirements listed under points 37.2.1-37.2.4 on joint study programme (see linked guideline below). |
Finland | - Institutional audits: have been implemented in Finland since 2005, and are offered to higher education institutions in six year cycles. | treated in the same way as the evaluations carried out by the national QA agency (FINEEC) |
none |
yes | - University Act 558/2009 (in English) |
59 | | FI | FIN | Generally yes, but based on a specific national regulations. |
Yes, due to “self-accrediting” status for their programmes, higher education institutions can employ the European Approach. |
France | - Evaluations of higher education institutions: are carried out every 5 years. - Review of disciplinary ‘fields’: are carried out every 5 years. - Evaluation of sites using a ‘top-down approach’: newly introduced in 2017. - Evaluation of doctoral schools: are carried out every 5 years. | HCERES checks the external quality assurance activity, whether it corresponds to the national qualifications framework and whether the foreign quality assurance has effectively involved students in the review. |
N/A |
criteria and procedures for external quality assurance must be validated by the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES). | partially / with conditions | - Code de la recherche, Article L114-3-1 (in French) |
60 | | FR | FRA | The European Approach could be used subject to the general conditions for recognising QA results of EQAR-registered agencies, as described above. |
Georgia | - Accreditation of educational programmes: It is mandatory for doctoral programmes and programmes of regulated professions (Medicine, Law, Teacher Education, Veterinary, and Maritime) and it is an eligibility requirement for state funding in the case of all other study programmes. - Authorization and re-authorisation of higher education institutions: is obligatory for all HEIs in order to be allowed to carry out educational activities and to issue a diploma that is recognized by the state (every six years) | The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement of Georgia (NCEQE) checks the compatibility of the evaluation with National Standards and Procedures and recognises the accreditation granted by other foreign QA agencies, provided the agency meets these conditions and if the condition of recognition is indicated in the international agreement. The regulations and conditions are outlined in Art. 28 of the Accreditation Provision approved by Order N65/n (see link below). |
Criteria and procedures for external quality assurance must be validated by NCEQE | partially / with conditions | - Georgia - European Higher Education Area |
63 | | GE | GEO | Accreditation of higher education programmes can be done by a foreign QA agency. See regulation linked below (Article 28 of the Accreditation Provision). |
When the HE institutions applies for accreditation of joint programmes, run by local and foreign institutions, the national QA agency (NCEQE) may apply the European Approach. When the local HEI teams up with the international partner university to establish a joint educational programme the draft agreement of institutions implementing the joint higher educational programme has to be 'pre-approved’ by the national QA body, NCEQE who will also check the content and implementation of the joint programme, the rule for awarding a joint academic degree and enrolment regulations. See further details under the links below within the Rule for the Draft Agreement of a Joint Programme and the Law of Georgia on Educational Quality Enhancement (Art. 19/3) and Order №65 / N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia (Art. 28/2) |
Germany | - System Accreditation: is optional, and enables the institution to self-accredit its study programmes. The accreditation is limited in time for a period of eight years. - Programme Accreditation: applies for Bachelor and Master degree programs of state or state-recognized universities in Germany. The accreditation is obligatory unless the institution has a valid system accreditation. | Applications for program and system accreditation must be addressed to the German Accreditation Council. |
Admission by the German Accreditation Council (GAC) is based on EQAR-registration |
use of national standards and criteria (see below) | partially / with conditions | - Regulatory documents (English) |
64 | | DE | DEU | All German higher education institutions can opt for programme accreditation of joint degrees by an EQAR-registered agency using the European Approach, however not for joint programmes leading to double or multiple degrees. |
Greece | - Programme accreditation: The validity of the accreditation decision cannot exceed a period of six years. - Institutional evaluation: The validity of the accreditation decision cannot exceed a period of six years. | approval of the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (decision of the Evaluation and Accreditation Council) |
use of the national standards |
partially / with conditions | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
66 | | GR | GRC | The evaluation on the quality of the programmes of studies or of the internal quality assurance system of the institution may be replaced by the evaluation/certification carried out by of a foreign quality assurance agency which is internationally recognized (see Law 4653/2020 on the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education, article 12, paragraph 8). |
In Greece, joint programmes offered by Greek higher education institutions participating within the European University Alliance are expected to the reviewed following the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, without any additional national criteria (law 4957/2022, art. 111, par.3). |
Holy See | - Institutional and programme evaluation.: | no | - Code of Canon Law (CIC canons 807-821) |
188 | | VA | VAT |
Hungary | - Programme accreditation in disciplinary clusters: conducted for specific fields at the request of the Ministry. - Accreditation of doctoral schools: up to five years. The doctoral degree is defined in the Higher Education Act and is awarded by the doctoral councils of universities. - Accreditation of higher education institutions: are carried out in five-year cycle. The initial accreditation of new institutions involves programme accreditation as well, since new institutions must have at least four programmes running. | If the recognition procedure results in a positive outcome the institutional accreditation follows the normal HAC procedures. |
According to the Higher Education Act, Hungarian higher education institutions may choose a quality assurance agency that works in line with the ESG for the establishment of doctoral schools and in cases involving the launch of a bachelor, master or tertiary vocational programmes. The Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB) may also consider institutional accreditations by EQAR-registered agencies as equivalent to its own accreditations. |
yes | - Act on National Higher Education (2011) |
74 | | HU | HUN | A joint programme where a Hungarian higher education institution is participating may be accredited though the use of the European Approach for the Quality of Joint Programmes. The joint programme shall be approved by law in the same way as if it was accredited by the national QA agency (HAC). |
Iceland | - Institution Wide Reviews: All institutions go through an institution-wide review within a seven year cycle. The focus of the reviews is on the effectiveness of the institution’s arrangements for quality and research. - Subject-Level Reviews: Within each cycle, all institutions are required to conduct reviews covering each of their subject areas. | no | - Legislation on higher education |
75 | | IS | ISL | |||||
Ireland | - Institutional reviews: The aim of review is to provide an independent external review of the institution’s own internal quality assurance procedures. - Programme validation: Not required for eight universities together with the Dublin Institute of Technology and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, which have degree awarding powers i.e. the possibility to validate and award their own qualifications - Delegated authority to make awards: will exempt education providers to undergo an external programme validation procedure. - Focused reviews: may lead to withdrawal of approval of a QA procedures. The procedures is invoked if there are reasons for concern with a particular higher education provider. | partially / with conditions | - Ireland - European Higher Education Area |
80 | | IE | IRL | A number of universities have self-awarding powers giving them the possibility to validate and award their own qualifications. They can employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of joint programmes. Providers with awarding powers delegated to them by QQI i.e. institutes of technology may also employ this approach. |
Italy | - Institutional accreditation: Takes place every five year. - Programme accreditation: Takes place every three year. | no | - Normative requirements on quality assurance (in Italian) |
82 | | IT | ITA | |||||
Kazakhstan | - Institutional Accreditation: - Programme Accreditation: | automatic. |
Foreign agencies have to be listed in the national Kazakh register and/or be a recognised entity within one of OECD member states and/or be registered in EQAR. The agencies have to also meet the following requirements: 1. to have the resources necessary to fulfil the obligations on accreditation of educational organisations, educational programmes; 2. to have the necessary staffing; 3. to have at least one Kazakhstani expert within the expert commission of foreign accreditation bodies; 4. to have accreditation standards (regulations) that establish requirements for the accreditation procedure. |
own criteria. | partially / with conditions | - Rules for the recognition of accreditation bodies |
86 | | KZ | KAZ | ||
Latvia | - Accreditation of study directions (groups of study programmes in a field or discipline): for 6 years, 2 years or 0 years with different conditions attached. In Latvia the study programmes are grouped into 29 study directions – these refer to thematic groups of study programmes within each HEI. - Accreditation of an institution of higher education or college: Higher education institutions are accredited under this process for an indefinite term. Extraordinary or exceptional accreditation of a HEI can also be initiated in cases where there is a violation of law/regulatory acts. - Licensing of study programme: grants rights to a higher education institution or its branches to implement a new study programme. | The higher education institution or college shall submit the assessment of the study direction to the Committee for the Accreditation of Studies, who will make the final decision (to accept or refuse) the accreditation of the study direction. |
Registration on EQAR is sufficient. |
The higher education institution or college has to inform the Academic Information Center (AIC) within 10 working days of its submission for a cross-border accreditation. The Agency shall ensure that the study direction is assessed in accordance with the national requirements as specified in the Law On Institutions of Higher Education (see Chapter IV and V) i.e. nomination of a minimum of five experts; including observers from the student and trade union; use of the evaluation scale (excellent, good, mediocre, unsatisfactory) etc. | no | - ENIC NARIC |
94 | | LV | LVA | In August 2017 Latvian government has approved an amendment to the Law on HEIs (ratified by the Latvian parliament in 2018) to allow EQAR-registered agencies to carry out external QA within the country. |
Liechtenstein | - Initial institutional accreditation: New higher education institution need to be authorised by a decision of the Liechtenstein Government. Accreditation by an EQAR-registered agency (see below) is a pre-condition to receive authorisation. If granted, authorisation is valid indefinitely unless revoked (see Periodic evaluation - Initial programme accreditation: New study programmes need to be authorised by a decision of the Liechtenstein Government. Accreditation by an EQAR-registered agency (see below) is a pre-condition to receive authorisation. If granted, authorisation is valid indefinitely unless revoked. (See Periodic evaluation) - Periodic evaluation: Higher education institutions are required to be evaluated by an EQAR-registered agency (see below) every 6 years. The Liechtenstein Government takes note of the evaluation report. | The final decision is taken by the Government based on the result of the evaluation. |
Registration on EQAR is sufficient. |
The agency has to follow the accreditation and quality assurance criteria set out in the Law on Higher Education and the corresponding ordinance. Additional agency-specific criteria may be applied in accordance with the authority. Criteria and procedures must be in line with ESG. | yes | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
99 | | LI | LIE | For the programme accreditation of a joint degrees, higher education may choose an EQAR registered agency using the European Approach. |
Lithuania | - Evaluation of study fields (cluster programme evaluation): Accreditation is awarded for 7 years in case of a positive evaluation. A study field may also be accredited (with conditions) for three years, once. - Institutional accreditation ( (effective as of 2021): Accreditation is awarded for 7 years in case of a positive evaluation. An interim evaluation of three years is carried out in cases when the requirements within one evaluation area are only satisfactorily met. | The accreditation decision (based on the external evaluation report) is taken by the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC). |
EQAR registration |
The evaluation of study fields has to be carried out using the national criteria (see links below). | yes | - Law on Higher Education and Research (effective as of 01.01.2017) |
100 | | LT | LTU | Limited to cluster programme evaluations |
Luxembourg | - Accreditation Procedure for short cycle programmes: offered by secondary schools leading to the BTS, as well as for specialised higher education institutions and their study programmes leading to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. In order to obtain ministerial accredittation, short cycle programmes (BTS) as well as specialised higher education institutions and their programmes are evaluated by the Dutch-Flemish accreditation agency NVAO (Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie), which is EQAR-registered agency and holds a membership with ENQA - External evaluation of University of Luxembourg: The University of Luxembourg is evaluated every four years by a foreign agency commissioned by the Minister of Higher Education and Research. The Minister of Research and Higher Education commissions a foreign agency to perform an evaluation reviewing the institutions, its research as well as its learning and teaching activities, whereas the institutional level is an integral part of the evaluation, and the other areas are being review alternately. The Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes offered by the University of Luxembourg are automatically recognised (see amended Law of 27 June 2018). | The final decision is taken by the Ministry based on the result of the expert's assessment. |
EQAR registration; the agency is selected by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. |
The agency has to follow the accreditation criteria set out in the legal framework of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. |
partially / with conditions | - Amendment of the Law of 19 June 2009 on the organisation of higher education |
101 | | LU | LUX | For the external evaluation of private higher education institution the following requirements apply: |
Malta | - Institutional audit: All institutions, including self-accrediting ones, have to be reviewed and audited periodically by NCFHE as part of the External Quality Assurance process as defined by NCFHE. - Programme accreditation: Education institutions (whether national, international, public or private) must have their programme audits approved by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE). Locally accredited courses currently do not have an accreditation expiry date. By exception, public institutions that have a 'self-accrediting status' established by NCFHE do not need to submit programmes for accreditation if these fall within the scope of the Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) level of their self-accrediting status. They would need to do so if they intend to provide programmes that exceed the MQF level of their self-accrediting status. | The final decision is taken by the MFHEA on the result of the accreditation procedure. |
Prior approval by the MFHEA is required for suitability, language proficiency, capacity and experience. The audit process and the terms of reference must be reviewed and approved by MFHEA before the audit process begins. |
The external quality assurance agency has to follow the accreditation criteria set out in the national legislation governing further and higher education and, therefore, also all relevant regulations and communications issued by MFHEA. |
yes | - National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education |
108 | | MT | MLT | Programme audits can be carried out directly by a panel experts appointed by NCFHE or by an EQAR-registered external agency. |
According to confirmation by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment, in case of joint programmes higher education institutions may opt for a programme audit by a suitable EQAR-registered agency, using the agreed standards of the European Approach. |
Moldova | - Institutional and programme accreditation: Periodical external assessments for re-accreditation take place every five years. | EQAR registration is sufficient. |
the quality assurance agency has to follow the national standards when carrying out the review. | yes | - Education Code, Law no. 152, 17.07.2014, art. 113 (in Romanian) |
114 | | MD | MDA | Moldova's legal framework (Education Code art.113,115) allow higher education institutions to choose/accept a review by an EQAR-registered agency using the European Approach. |
Montenegro | - Programme (re-)accreditation: Accreditation is conducted by a commission appointed by the Council for Higher Education and it is issued for three years. Studies that have a longer duration may be accredited for the period equal to duration of their study programme. - Institutional (re-)accreditation: | The decision on institutional re-accreditation is taken by the Council based on the results and recommendations of the report. |
The agency is selected following a public call launched by the ministry. The decision on the selected agency is taken by the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Council. The costs of the evaluation are covered by the institution. |
the agency's own evaluation standards or the evaluation standards adopted by the Council. | no | - Law on higher education No. 044/14 of 2014, amended June 2017 (in Montenegrin) |
117 | | ME | MNE | ||
Netherlands | - Limited (initial) accreditation: Same as for full (initial) accreditation except that the focus of the assessment is limited to four standards: intended learning outcomes, the curriculum, the assessment system and the achieved learning outcomes (when available for new programmes).
- Full (initial) accreditation: mandatory for all new and existing programmes in higher education.
A conditionally positive decision in the initial accreditation procedure entitles the programme to award valid degrees and diplomas and has two years to meet the conditions set in the assessment. The duration of positive accreditation is for six years. Programmes are assessed in clusters within the same domain.
- Institutional audits: are optional. A positive result entitles institutions to use the limited frameworks for (initial) accreditation.
In 2017, Netherlands started its second round of institutional audits that will focus more on the realisation of the educational vision and the development of a quality culture. |
NVAO will take the final decision of based on the result of the assessment / accreditation procedure. |
the QA agency must agree its Terms of Reference with the Accreditation Organisation for the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) and the panel secretary must be trained by NVAO. |
own criteria | yes | - Bologna National Report (2015) |
124 | | NL | NLD | for programme accreditation only (with the exception of initial accreditation). |
The recognition procedure for joint degrees is further integrated with the process of assessment for (initial) accreditation |
North Macedonia | - Institutional and programme evaluation: At programme level the evaluation of first and second-cycle study programmes takes place every five-year, while the evaluation of third cycle study programmes (doctoral studies) is carried out every three years. Higher education institutions are going through an evaluation at least once every five years. - Initial accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes: | no | - North Macedonia - European Higher Education Area |
102 | | MK | MKD |
Norway | - Initial institutional accreditation: gives universities and colleges certain rights to award national degrees or diplomas. - Programme accreditation: required for non-accredited university colleges on all levels and for university colleges or specialised university institutions that wish to establish a new doctoral or master programme outside their doctoral fields. - Audit: carried out at least once in 8 years. The right to self-accredit programmes is conditional upon a positive evaluation of the higher education institution's internal QA system (audit). | partially / with conditions | - Act relating to universities and university colleges, April 2005 |
129 | | NO | NOR | The European Approach is available to institutions not subject to programme accreditation. |
Poland | - Programmes evaluations: may result in an outstanding assessment (awarded for 8 years), a positive assessment (6 years), a conditional assessment (a date of follow-up assessment will be given) and a negative assessment. | the Polish Accreditation Commission (PKA, the national QA agency) takes into account the accreditations and certificates obtained through the evaluation by the foreign agency in selected areas of education. |
EQAR registration |
own criteria for EQAR registered QA agencies | yes | - Regulation of 20 September 2016 on the general criteria for program evaluation |
138 | | PL | POL |
Portugal | - Institutional Assessment: Carried out every six years, years, at the end of each regular cycle of assessment/accreditation of all study programmes in operation - Accredition of study programmes in operation: The usual period of validity of the accreditation is 6 years. In case of a lighter touch approach, only a desk analysis is carried out. | on a case by case decision, the Executive Board of A3ES may accept the result of the assessment / accreditation procedure at programme or institutional level from other QA agencies, as long as they follow the ESG. |
the QA agency must be approved by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) (see) |
own criteria. | partially / with conditions | - Bologna National Report (2015) |
139 | | PT | PRT | Generally yes, but only under certain conditions. |
Romania | - Institutional evaluations/accreditation: are valid for five years. During the evaluation procedure, about 20 per cent of the study programmes offered by the institution are also evaluated. Before initiating an institutional accreditation higher education institutions need to apply for provisional authorisation. - Programme evaluation/accreditations: are valid for five years and must be renewed regularly. Programmes first need to receive a provisional authorisation that is granted by the Ministry and, two years after the graduation of the first cohort, programmes may apply for an accreditation. - Evaluation of Master Study Domains: The evaluation procedure started in 2018. The results of the evaluation are valid for five years. | The field specific departments from ARACIS will check whether the review report followed the national methodology and legislation. The ARACIS Council will then validate the external review report, if the review process was carried out according to the national legislation (See Art. 4 of Ord 6154 of 21 December 2016). |
Registration on EQAR is sufficient. Before initiating the review process, the QA agency has to consult the Romanian quality assurance agency (ARACIS) on the methodology and the terms of reference for the review (Ord. 6154 of 21 Dec 2016). |
national criteria (see Methodology for External Evaluation, approved 25/11.01.2018) |
yes | - Methodology for External Evaluation (Approved 25/11.01.2018) |
141 | | RO | ROU | Romanian higher education institutions can choose for their programme accreditation and periodic external evaluations the national QA agency, ARACIS or any other EQAR listed agency. |
Yes, following the Emergency Ordinance no. 22/2021 on amending and supplementing the National Education Law no. 1/2011. |
Russia | - Institutional and programme accreditation.: | partially / with conditions | - ENIC NARIC |
142 | | RU | RUS | Due to “self-accrediting” status of their programmes, federal and national research universities are able to employ the European Approach. |
San Marino | no | - Ministry responsible for Higher Education |
148 | | SM | SMR | Higher education in San Marino is offered by the University of the Republic of San Marino (in Italian: Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino) |
Serbia | - Programme accreditation.: - Institutional accreditation and quality control: | no | - Law on higher education, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 88/2017 (in Serbian) |
152 | | RS | SRB | |||||
Slovakia | - Accreditation of study programmes and higher education institutions.: The higher education institution must apply for assessment of its internal quality system at least once in ten years. | upon agreement with The Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. | no | - Act No. 131/2002 on higher education (in Slovakian) |
156 | | SK | SVK | ||||
Slovenia | - Accreditation of a study programme: is granted for an indefinite period or the application is denied. - Re-accreditation of a higher education institution: is granted for a period of maximum five years (or less) or, if quality standards are not meet the accreditation is denied. - Initial accreditation of a higher education institutions: is granted for a period of five years or, if quality standards are not meet, the application is denied. - Accreditation of changes of higher education institutions: Changes to another type, merger by acquisition, merger by the formation of a new entity or division of higher education institutions, changing the location in Slovenia | partially / with conditions | - Law on Higher Education |
157 | | SI | SVN | The European Approach can only be used for programmes where all partner higher education institutions involved are (institutionally or at programme level) accredited by EQAR-registered agencies (see Law on Higher Education, article 33.b and 33.c). |
Spain | - Ex-ante and Ex-post programme evaluation.: - Institutional evaluations.: | yes | - Ministry responsible for higher education |
161 | | ES | ESP | A joint university study programmes between one or more Spanish universities and one or more foreign universities leading to official Spanish university degrees may use the European Approach provided that the country of the coordinating university has subscribed to this agreement (see Royal Decree of 28 September 2021). |
Sweden | - Institutional review of HEIs' quality assurance processes (audit): - Programme evaluations: | no | - ENIC NARIC |
166 | | SE | SWE | |||||
Switzerland | - Programme accreditation: voluntary, except for medical and health professions according to public health regulations - Institutional accreditation: Institutional accreditation according to Swiss law, with a decision by the Swiss Accreditation Council, is mandatory for all public higher education institutions of the tertiary sector and for private higher education institutions using a protected denomination (“University”, “University of Applied Sciences”, “ University of Teacher Education“). Successful accreditation has no legal impact beyond the right to use one of the protected denominations but is a testimony to a quality assurance systems covering all processes and suited to support the higher education institution to achieve its goals. | the final accreditation decision is taken by the Swiss Accreditation Council. |
higher education institutions may choose an EQAR-registered agency recognised by the Swiss Accreditation Council (see below) |
to agree to the Fee Regulations of the Accreditation Council, to align its accreditation procedures with the HEdA Accreditation Ordinance or alternatively to use the Accreditation Guide of AAQ | yes | - Swiss Accreditation Council: Guidelines on the recognition of agencies |
167 | | CH | CHE | The European Approach can be used by EQAR-registered agencies operating in the country. |
Türkiye | - Institutional external evaluation process: at least once every five years | Programs accredited by the agencies that are recognized or authorized by the THEQC are listed in the YKS Higher Education Programs and Placement Guideline (formerly named ÖSYS Higher Education Programs and Placement Guideline). |
International quality assurance agencies that have been recognised by the Higher Education Quality Council of Türkiye (THEQC Regulation). |
The agency's procedures are aligned with ESG 2015 and compatible with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Türkiye (NQF-HETR). |
no | - National authority responsible for higher education |
177 | | TR | TUR |
Ukraine | - Institutional accreditation: The regulation on institutional accreditation is currently being developed. - Programme accreditation: The study programme accreditation is mandatory for all study programmes (Bachelor, Master, PhD). The accreditation is conducted according to the Regulations on Accreditation of Study Programs in Higher Education (adopted on 11.07.2019). | the final decision on accreditation of study programmes is equivalent to the accreditation by NAQA. The information about each accredited programme is entered into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education. See more under Chapter V of Regulations on Accreditation of Study Programmes in Higher Education (link below). |
quality assurance agencies (other than NAQA) have to be approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The order dates back to 10 July 2019 No. 554-p. The approved list is composed of EQAR-registered agencies which have been included in the Register before July 2019 (see approved list in the links included below). |
own criteria | no | - Ukraine - European Higher Education Area |
181 | | UA | UKR |
United Kingdom (England) | - Institutional review: | yes | - The Office for Student Register of Accredited Providers |
274 | | GB-ENG | All higher education institutions with degree awarding power are able to approve their own awards and therefore they can employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of their joint programme. |
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) | - Institutional review: | yes | - Northern Ireland Quality Assurance of Higher Education |
280 | | GB-NIR | All higher education institutions with degree awarding power are able to approve their own awards and therefore they can employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of their joint programme. |
United Kingdom (Scotland) | - Institutional review: | yes | - European Higher Education Area website |
278 | | GB-SCT | All higher education institutions with degree awarding power are able to approve their own awards and therefore they can employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of their joint programme. |
United Kingdom (Wales) | - Institutional review: | Welsh regulated providers must undergo a review from an EQAR Registered agency once in every six years. |
Specific conditions related to the use of the Welsh language and alignment with the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales; use of the core and common practices within the Quality Code as well as characteristics statements and subject benchmark statements, where appropriate (see more in to Quality Assessment Framework for Wales) |
yes | - Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) |
279 | | GB-WLS | All higher education institutions with degree awarding power are able to approve their own awards and therefore they can employ the European Approach for the quality assurance of their joint programme. |